Monday, September 26, 2011


Patience, it is something that I struggle with much of the time (all of the time really).  I have a hard time waiting for things.  I am the person who can't wait to open presents, I am guilty of snooping around to try and find them.  My husband was aware of this trait of mine when he was planning to propose.  When he would come and visit me I would look through his suitcase when he was in the shower trying to find the ring I was sure was in there somewhere.  The stinker kept it in his Jeep!
Since having Oliver I have learned to be patient.  I haven't had a choice in the matter.  I had to be patient and wait for him to be ready to be held the first time.  I had to be patient and wait to nurse him.  I had to be patient and wait to bring him home.  I know that I was being given a lesson to slow down and let things happen on their own time.  Things do not work out how they are supposed to when you rush them.
Since things have settled down with Oliver life has taken on a slower pace.  I honestly like it that way.  I enjoy spending time cooking for my family.  Some of the things I make take a lot a patience, like the yogurt I made this morning.  It takes several hours, but is so worth it.  Sure, it would be very easy and convenient to go to the store and grab some pre-made yogurt, but I like knowing what exactly is in this yogurt.
We also use cloth diapers with Oliver.  Washing and drying them does take some time, but once it is part of your routine it is no big deal.  This of course will get interesting this spring when Pumpkin makes an appearance.  Ultimately, I just like cloth.
So, I am learning to be a more patient person, but I still have a long way to go.    

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