Monday, August 22, 2011

Hellllloooo Ladies!!

Lets just say that the last month has been interesting and entertaining for Justin and I.  Once Oliver became a toddler his social butterfly tendencies and personality have come out full force.  Oliver has always been interested in other people and has never minded being held by unfamiliar people.  Now that he is starting to make different sounds and can change the volume and pitch of his voice he enjoys using it.
We recently returned from our first family vacation out in Estes Park, Colorado.  Oliver spent the hikes in a carrier on our backs.  I think he thought it was a throne.  As soon as we hit the first trail Oliver started his welcome wagon routine.  He "talked" to everyone he saw.  He was so excited a few times that he sprayed the back of my neck with spit after demonstrating his outstanding raspberry blowing abilities.  He kicked us, pulled our hair or hats, and screamed in our ears in his excitement to see all these people.  If someone did not acknowledge him he would stare them down until they were out of his field of vision.  He would eventually pass out and take a nap, usually about 10 minutes before we arrived at our destination.  After his brief catnap he was refreshed and ready to continue his greetings.
Fast forward to this past Sunday.  Oliver pulled out all the stops to impress the 7 month old little girl sitting behind us.  She was very serious and unimpressed with Oliver's efforts.  As soon as she and her mother sat down behind us Oliver's eyes lit up.  He got a HUGE grin on his face and began "talking" to her.  She did not respond.  He started his peek-a-boo routine in an effort to win her over, once again he fell flat.  He decided that perhaps she just hadn't heard him so he increased the volume.  Again he got nothing from her.  He was getting desperate.  He figured that he might as well show her his A game and show her just how much he can drool while eating crackers and talking at the same time.  She was unimpressed.  He tried to give her a dose of her own medicine and ignored her for a whole 5 minutes (yeah that would show her!).  Finally he couldn't stand it anymore and whipped around and stood holding onto the back of the pew staring at her and showing her all of his teeth and proceeded to grind them together in his effort to impress her.  He ran through his act again only at a much, much louder volume.  I think his plan was to wear her down over time.  My husband and I tried to distract him and keep his professions of love to an inside volume.  He would not be deterred and we began to sweat and think about taking him out to sit in the library for the remainder of the service.  Then a lovely distraction happened and the offering plate was passed.  Oliver was enthralled with the ushers and could not take his eyes off of them.  Ahhhh sweet silence.  Once the offering was done it was game on again.  Thankfully the service was almost done at that point.
I think Justin and I will have our hands full when our social butterfly gets older and can walk.  I would advise parents to lock up their daughters. 

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