Pregnancy is a lot like distance running: slow and steady, one foot in front of the other. Your body paces itself. I am now 25 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I have been out of the hospital since the 13th of January and it is so nice! Today I had my weekly appointment with the MFM doctors and things are holding steady. So, I get another week at home since my body is behaving. Each week that I don't get admitted is a small celebration. I have kind looked at this pregnancy like running a marathon, each week is another mile that I have run. When I am running I have a small celebration or feeling of accomplishment with each mile marker I pass. Right now I feel like I am gearing up to run up a big hill, it will be hard to get to the top but once up you get a small break as you coast down the other side. The hill for this pregnancy is coming up starting tomorrow that is the point when my water broke with Oliver. I feel like tomorrow is one of the first really big milestones to get past and then the hill will continue until Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day I will be 27 weeks 4 days, after 5:19 PM I will be in new pregnancy territory, thus the downhill part of the race.
I think the 15th of February will call for a celebration! Not too big of one because that will have to wait until this baby and I reach the finish line.
I love this post and your outlook. Keep it up!