The process of getting myself back into shape has begun (well it began a few months ago). It is going to be a very, very long road back to the level of fitness I want to be at. This body of mine has gone through a lot in the past two years. two high risk pregnancies with lots of bedrest, two NICU babies, and bouts with depression. These are perfect conditions for my body to expand to unbelievable proportions and to decrease my level of fitness to that of a slug.
I was working out pretty regularly right before I got pregnant with Annalynn. I felt like I was starting to get my life back on track. I was feeling good by physically and mentally. After I found out I was pregnant I continued to work out until my cerclages were placed. That procedure brought all of my upright activities to a halt. I was still able to do some light exercises for my arms and legs, but nothing can really ward off muscle atrophy when you are laying down all the time.
I have returned to the Y for some group classes a few times a week. That can be a bit of a challenge to get to consistently since I have to arrange for someone to watch the kids. There is no way I am putting my kids in the nursery at the Y. Not because I think it is bad or anything, but holy germ fest! Due to Ollie's decreased awareness in his mouth he is constantly seeking input there, so his hands or toys are always in his mouth. Annalynn is still so small that we try and limit her from unnecessary outings and groups of children. I enjoy the people in my classes and it is nice to have an hour kid-free.
This leads me to my other means of working out. Stroller Strides! I cannot say enough good things about this class. It is a preemie mom's dream! The kids are kept in strollers so there is not really any contact between the children unless you want it to occur. My friend, Emily, told me about SS shortly after Ollie came home from the NICU. It took me several months to work up the nerve to actually go to a class. My hesitation was partly due to my lack of any sort of physical fitness and partly due to my depression. Ollie was also supposed to be on quarantine to keep him healthy. I started going in February, which I know is the worst time to take a preemie out. But I needed to get out and after drilling my friend for details about the class I decided to chance it and went to one class. Needless to say it worked out really well for us. The other moms are great and everyone is really supportive of each other. The other moms kept their kids from getting too close to Ollie when he was small. He remained healthy and I got a good workout in. SS also has a once a week playdate after class so the kids can participate in a structured activity. They also have a once a month moms night out gathering. When I was put on bedrest with Annalynn the SS moms organized to bring us meals once a week. It worked out great and my husband didn't have to worry about cooking for the weekend when my mom went home. There does seem to be a misconception about what exactly goes on at a SS class, most people assume that we just walk around with our strollers. We do walk, but only to get to our next station. The workouts are as hard or easy as you want them to be. The instructors show you how to change the level of intensity. The rest is up to you.
It is my goal to be able to run my first post baby half marathon this spring. It is going to take a lot of work, but I need a goal to work toward and I think this is a good one.